24 Answering call center is working with the latest technology. We consider that to be a targeting point of your success and customer contact solution. Technological advancements allow us to attract more customers and partners for your organization. It is a great tool for acquiring and retaining existing customers staying in touch with them 24/7 through our web chat.
Off Site Monitoring Capability
We are sending wav clips of all requested recorded calls via our Voice Logger technology. That gives you the opportunity to monitor your inbound calls any time you want. You can listen to agents that are working for you. That makes our work absolutely accurate and highly qualified.
Web Connectivity
We realize thattechnology makes our work faster, easier and more effective. Due to our high speed web communication and reliability our agents can manage your inbound calls fast and securable. Web connectivity is important to us.
Disaster Recovery
In case of any disaster we are protected with uninterrupted power supplies and generators to support us in such an emergency. So we are available 24/7/365 on your demand in any situation that could occur. You can rely on our service even if the main power is interrupted.
Report and Data Generation
24 Answering has a wide choice of delivery options of their data to customers. We make delivery via email, IP, FTP in single or batch init modes. Each company may have their own preferences. While working with our clients we are making delivery according to their preferences, demands and on the basis of their file.
Digital Voice Logging
24 Answering insures that conversations between our agents and your customers are under security and review. This is a subject to word-by-word scrutiny and legal backup that is made through technology.