12 Surprising Facts About Call Centers
Discover 12 interesting and surprising facts about call centers that you may not be aware of, from the industry's humble beginnings in the 1960s to its current status as a major employer and revenue generator.
2 Prerequisites of Business Success
In order to win the title of the best NFL player award football players train hard. In order order to become a famous IT expert one needs to learn really hard. The same thing with managing a business: in order to achieve success business owners have to work hard knowing what causes success for a company.
The Art of Effective Customer Service Emails: Best Practices
Build trust and loyalty through effective customer service email communication. Discover best practices for writing emails and providing exceptional support
More Clients - More Rigmarole?
Business are fighting for new customers devising various marketing initiatives to make one's business most attractive. However, one needs to be ready to welcome new clients by providing a welcoming environment in which people would feel comfortable. Unfortunately, that's where problems start for many...